Category: Blog

What stands at the forefront of Cognitive Science?

by Celia Leanne Franzè Embracing the Middle Years: Nurturing Cognitive Health  The term “Middle Years” carries distinct meanings in Australian schools and within the context of Australia’s ageing population, yet both phases share intriguing similarities and differences in brain development. In schools, the Middle Years

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Working Memory: Unlocking the Potential for Learning

by Celia Franzè   Have you ever felt like your lesson plan was a complex puzzle, juggling learning intentions, outcomes, key concepts, big ideas and endless activities, pushing your brain to its limits? Do you know the feeling of having too many tabs open in

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An Eisenhower Matrix for Educators

Navigating Your Day with Ease and Impact  What is an Eisenhower Matrix?  The Eisenhower Matrix is a time management strategy that advises sorting tasks into four different categories based on urgency and importance. It is a simple quadrant with four key labels: urgent, not urgent, important

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Explicit Teaching vs Direct Instruction

by Celia Franzè Explicit Teaching and Direct Instruction are both highly effective, teacher-led approaches that rely on clarity and structure. However, the rigidity and pacing of Direct Instruction set it apart from the more adaptable Explicit Teaching method. As educators, understanding the nuances of each

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