
What stands at the forefront of Cognitive Science?

by Celia Leanne Franzè Embracing the Middle Years: Nurturing Cognitive Health  The term “Middle Years” carries distinct meanings in Australian schools and within the context of Australia’s ageing population, yet both phases share intriguing similarities and differences in brain

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An Eisenhower Matrix for Educators

Navigating Your Day with Ease and Impact  What is an Eisenhower Matrix?  The Eisenhower Matrix is a time management strategy that advises sorting tasks into four different categories based on urgency and importance. It is a simple quadrant with four

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Explicit Teaching vs Direct Instruction

by Celia Franzè Explicit Teaching and Direct Instruction are both highly effective, teacher-led approaches that rely on clarity and structure. However, the rigidity and pacing of Direct Instruction set it apart from the more adaptable Explicit Teaching method. As

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How the Brain Learns: A Quick Summary

Written by Celia Franzè. At ThinkPlus most of our schools, both in the classroom and the staffroom, have started the year off with teaching and learning about the Brain! Dr Jared Cooney Horvath and I presented a webinar recently

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What is the Science of Learning?

by Celia Franzè Neuroscience in education has faced some harsh critics in the past. Many commentators accounted that the concept would never amount to measurable improved learning outcomes (Bruer, 1997). Yet, others closer to classroom practice chose to forge

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Guiding Students to Develop a Flexible Mindset

by Susannah Cole and Julie Dunstan You’re already familiar with growth mindsets and the importance of belief systems that reframe notions of intelligence and our responses to failures. But you may have struggled with how to convince your students

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Teacher Confidence

We believe that increasing teacher confidence is crucial for the success of students and schools as a whole. Confident teachers are more likely to take risks and try new approaches in their teaching, leading to a more engaging and

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Student Agency and Neuroplasticity

by Celia Franzè Teaching about the brain and neuroplasticity can have a profound impact on students’ success as learners. Understanding how the brain processes information, retains memories, and responds to different learning environments can help students become more effective

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The Science of Growing Young Minds

by Celia Franzè Part 1 of 4 How are metacognition, neuroplasticity, mindsets and emotions grounded in the science of learning helpful to grow young minds? The Science of Growing Young Minds is an interdisciplinary field that focuses on the

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ThinkPlus @EduTech 2023

The Science of Growing Young Minds by Celia Franzè Part 2 of 4. How are Australian schools embracing the science of learning? Across the landscape of Australian education, emerging evidence-based approaches are promising a revolution in pedagogy. A notable

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2023 National Education Summit and Education Show

We are pleased to be launching our latest teacher resource book Metacognition: Skill Building in the Australian Primary Classroom at the upcoming National Education Summit in Melbourne on 16th and 17th June 2023 at the Melbourne Convention & Exhibition

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